As you research products and services for leads and clients, add them to a Sales Opportunity (Opp) to track sales status (e.g., proposed, accepted, decline) and pre-policy information (e.g., the Carrier, coverage type). When the Opp is Closed Won, you’ll be ready to pass all the details over to the person that sets up Policies. Learn how to add Opp Products in this article.
Required permissions
To add Opp products, you must belong to a Security Group with the following permissions:
Access to the specific Opp AND
- Sales Opportunity > Visible & Edit permissions
Access to the specific Opp Owner’s record (Group or Individual) AND
- Group > Edit permission
- Individual > Edit permission
Adding an Opp Product
Use Opp Products to track all the products and services that you’re selling to leads and clients. Add as many Opp Products for products and services of any kind. If you’re shopping at different Carriers for the same product or service, you can add duplicates.
To add an Opp Product:
- On a Sales Opportunity, go to its Products tab and select the “Create New” button
- Give the Opp Product a name that is descriptive and easy to find and search in a list.
- Fill in the product info (recommended).
- Pay close attention to the “Product Type” and “Product Status”.
- Product Type: Track whether the product is a policy, a service, or something else.
- Sales Status: Track whether the product has been drafted, proposed, rejected, or sold. You can continually update this status as you meet with the lead/client and learn which products meet their needs. - Save.
Deleting an Opp Product
Before deleting an Opp Product, consider keeping it and updating its “Sales Status” instead. If it's rejected, you can change the status to reflect it. This way, you’ll have a history of all products and services that were offered to the lead/client.