AgencyBloc allows you to activate a Sales Pipeline that allows you to manage Sales Opportunities (Opps) and client leads. Your Opps move through your Pipeline until they're closed won or closed lost. To get started you will need to do a little setup.
There are many settings that need to be in place to start using and get the most out of AgencyBloc’s lead and sales management features. But don’t worry! You probably have most of it set up already. Just in case, however, we’ll list the key settings and features you need to hit the ground running in this article.
Note: You must be an Administrator in AgencyBloc to set up and manage all data and settings related to Sales Pipeline.
Video Guide
Required to activate Sales Pipeline
Additional setup (recommended)
Restrict user access to books of business
Link Agents to users
Categorize lead and client types
Video Guide
Video recorded in March 2021.
Required to activate Sales Pipeline
Here are the bare minimum settings you need to have in place to start using Sales Pipeline:
- Your producer/agent must be an Agent CRM user or Agency user in AgencyBloc.
- Learn how to set up users.
- The user must be assigned to an active Sales Team.
- Learn how to set up a Sales Team and assign users.
- The Sales Team must be associated with an active Sales Pipeline.
- Learn how to set up a Pipeline and associate Sales Teams.
- The user must belong to a Security Group with “Visible” and “Edit” Opportunity permission to see and update existing Sales Opportunities in the Pipeline.
a. To create new Sales Opportunities (Opps), the user must also have the “Edit” permission for Groups or Individuals (depends on their business). Learn more about Opps.
b. To associate Opps with Policies, the user must also have the “Visible” permission for Policies. Learn more about associating Opps with Policies.
c. To view lead and Pipeline data on the Dashboard, the user must also have the “View Agency Dashboard Analytics” and “View Sales Dashboard Analytics” Dashboard permissions. Learn more about the Sales Dashboard.
d. Here are other Sales Pipeline-related permissions to consider for different user roles.
Additional setup (recommended)
While not required for Sales Pipeline, you should consider using the settings below to enhance your overall sales experience in AgencyBloc.
Restrict user access to books of business
AgencyBloc is a repository of sensitive information (ex. SSN, DoB, etc.). Securing this information is critical to your business. One way you can safeguard your data is by restricting user access to books of business.
This involves setting up Security Groups with restricted access permissions for Groups, Individuals, Policies, and Sales Opportunities. Learn how to restrict user access to books of business.
Link Agents to users
Linking Agent records to users allows you to take advantage of additional features in AgencyBloc.
For example:
- Automated Workflow - Send emails to Servicing Agents and Primary Producers.
- Sales Pipelines Board & Sales Opportunities List - Filter Opps by user or Sales Team.
- Leads List - Filter leads by user or Sales Team.
Learn how to link Agents to users.
Categorize lead and client types
In AgencyBloc, Group and Individual records have a “Type” field. You may already be using the “Type” field to describe what kind of organization or person the Group/Individual is. But did you know that you can assign your Group/Individual “Types” to categories?
Type Categories are a way for you to tell AgencyBloc which Groups/Individuals are leads and which are clients. This allows AgencyBloc to connect your lead data to other features that help you with lead management.
For example:
- Leads List - See all your Group and Individual leads in one centralized location. Use advanced filters to find leads that are unassigned, need follow-up, and more. Initiate calls and send emails.
- Group & Individual Quick Search - Filter your leads from clients and others.
- Sales Dashboard > Leads - View performance stats on leads and productivity stats on your agents.
Learn how to define leads and clients with Type Categories.